Monday, August 18, 2014

Reflextions on the Week

  1. Are there any factors that you think are going to affect your participation or experience in this class? (Access to a computer, cell phone, transportation? Family that can help or hassle? Friends that can help or hassle? Scheduling factors that can help or hassle?) 
In my opinion a hassle would have to be remembering to go onto the blog to check for homework, I usually do remember but sometimes if I cannot find something and I think oh well maybe there is no homework tonight, but there ends up being homework. That's just a personal hassle for me. I don't believe this will affect my participation though. 

2.Think of an awesome (or the best ever) learning experience (or an experience where you changed) What was it you learned?  Where were you? What happened? Who else was there? Did it teach you anything about how you learn (or pay attention... or think?) How did you know what was happening? 
One of the best experiences that I have ever had would have to be when I was in English last year and was actually being pushed to get work done and to ask for help. I learned that at that moment I had never been taught the way that I learn. I have begun to pay more attention on the way that I take what is going on and what is being said in class. With this information I had thought"well now what?". Well now I am doing better then I ever had before and it feels great to learn that from my sophomore English teach Mrs. Byrne.

3.What are you most [excited/concerned] about in this class? What do you look forward to in learning?  How do you think it can/will make a practical difference in your life?

One of my biggest concerns is forgetting to update my blog, sometimes you can just forget to do things out of the blue and get marked down for it. On the other hand i am excited to have a new way to learn during this course and doing some outside of the box thinking! I think this will effect my life because it's not every day that you get to do your homework on a blog, just learning how to do things on this blog has taught me so much already

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