Sunday, November 16, 2014

Getting through things..

There comes a time when, even though it’s hard, you must realize that the person you are trying to save, is not your responsibility to save. You must learn to walk away. You can only give someone so many chances, and if they didn’t realize the first two, three, maybe six times what they had in front of them, chances are they are not going to realize until it’s too late and you’ve found something better. Eventually you’ll realize that your responsibility was never to save them in the first place, but to help teach them to appreciate the good, the selflessness, the love in others, and improve them for their future partners, to teach them a lesson, the hard way. Because in reality that is the only way we truly learn. and there’s nothing wrong with that. While it may be hard to just walk away from someone who you’ve invested so much time, energy, money, and emotion in, sometimes you’ve just got to close your eyes, take a deep breath, wipe your tears, and walk away. They will see you’re doing better, that you’re doing just fine without them, and they will try to drag you back, taunting your soul with the good memories, the pleasant emotions but you must not listen or give in. You left for a reason, and that reason is not all of a sudden nonexistent. You are beautiful. You are wonderful. You are strong and you will find someone who appreciates that, just like you wanted so badly for them to appreciate you. This time, you won’t even have to try and you will be the one who is saved.

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