Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Catcher in the Rye Notes

  • Holden is "crazy" because he is telling the story itself from and asylum
  • Ambiguity: figure it out for yourself.
  • Get to actually know Holden instead of just flat out knowing everything about him from the start of the book
  • Holden feels lobe when he is with his sister (doesn't use the same type if vocabulary)
  • Holden is a person that has many different sides of himself for the different people in his life
  • What was it about Phoebe and Ally that makes him more of an emotional person
  • Why is it that he only ever wants to leave the school when he wants to go and see his sister?
  • Rhetorical question : a question that is asked to get a point across. Causes the person who is asked the question to think deeper into the meaning.

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